Monday, September 10, 2012

15q24 Microdeletion Syndrome

As you can probably guess from the title of this post, we finally have a medical diagnosis that more fully describes Matt-man and his many unique features and challenges (thanks to some expensive lab tests known as the CGH microarray and FISH).  We learned that Matthew is missing 9 genes on the long arm of his 15th chromosome including NEIL1, MAN2C1, SIN3A, PTPN9, SNUPN, IMP3, CSPG4, MIR631, and SNX33.  It doesn't really change anything, but it gives us a better idea of what to expect and what other health concerns to be on the lookout for.  Many of the things we find most endearing about Matt-man, like the cute way his ears poke out, are a part of 15q24 microdeletion syndrome.  Here is a great link to an informational booklet about the syndrome 15q24 Microdeletion Syndrome.  It describes things much more clearly than I could.  Unfortunately, genetics is not my medical specialty!


  1. My daughter is the cute little one in the middle on the booklet. I look forward to reading your blog. We have a 15q24 group on Facebook if you are interested.

    1. Definitely interested! Thank you for your comment. I don't blog as often as I would like with working full-time and being mommy :) but I do try to post the big stuff! I'm new to the world of 15q24.

  2. Hello I came across your blog my daughter was diagnosed a couple weeks ago. I actually joined the Facebook group that sarahbeth is apart of. Not sure if you have joined but it is a great support group. I saw on your blog the psalm vs I think 129 13-14 this vs has helped me a lot. God bless you and your family. Kit

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